What's Changed in My 30's
Inside and out, I feel like a lot has changed for me since entering my 30s and becoming a mom. Of course, I could do without some of the physical changes, I’m loving the feeling of slowing down and soaking in every moment with the boys and Jason. While I feel like I’ve struck a good balance of life, work, mom and wife, aging gracefully definitely takes some work. I’ve been thinking a lot more about aging lately and wanted to share some of the things that have changed for me in this phase of life.

In my 30s, I’ve come to appreciate friends & family so much more. I always liked being close with my family and having a big circle of friends, but when you become parents, so much changes.
I’ve found I’m more willing to cut toxic people out of my life. We are surrounded by so many amazing people, I really have come to terms with the fact that I don’t need the people who aren’t supportive or positive. Especially after Ryder’s diagnosis. You would be amazed at the people who just couldn’t grasp it and conform to Ryder’s wants or needs while we adjusted and learned more. I realized I don’t have to keep in touch with people every day, or every week to still be close to them. Jason and I do like having a lot of circles of friends, but all positive circles of friends. I love being able to have the relationships where you pick up right where you left off. I’ve matured a lot in this way.
Above all, I love to spend time with the kids. It’s going by way too fast. Something that Jason and I have started focusing on is experiences over gifts. Instead of giving the boys gifts at holidays, we pick experiences instead. We have too much stuff, and what we all enjoy the most is making memories. The kids don’t need anymore toys from us. They need the quality time and the travel. Even if its just to Banff or BC, they love it, and most of all remember it. Has anyone else thrown out toys without the kids knowing, and never having them bring that toy up again? I have. And it made me realize they don’t need it. We are all about books and experiences now. We love that way more, and talking with the boys and coming up with the next adventure is a lot of fun.
In my 30s, I’ve really come to appreciate my quiet time. I savour those quiet moments in the house, early in the morning, having a coffee, when I can just read or catch up on emails and messages. In my 20s, I used to like being surrounded by more chaos, but now I take my quiet time and soak it up.
I’ve also been taking better care of my body. Since meeting Jason, I have been introduced to a healthier lifestyle. Living in LA also really helped kick start that! Having kids took a serious toll on my body and I’ve come to appreciate how important it is to take care of it not only for me, but for the boys. Don’t get me wrong, I am human and have my treats, trust me. But I also just like how I feel from the inside out.

The biggest changes I have made are:
More sleep
Less alcohol.
Gut health! Bo and Marrow Bone Broth is a big one for me
Lots of juices, greens are my favourite. And the charcoal to help flush toxins. I’ve become a huge fan of Juice Because.
Adding more vitamins and supplements. We are big fans of anything by Onnit - they’re our go-to pre and post workout supplements.
I add Trumarine collagen to anything I can.
Of course, the biggest signs of aging are on the outside. I’ll admit, I’ve been lucky with having pretty problem-free skin my entire life without really adopting a regime or sticking to one type of products. But I’m definitely starting to see time take its toll on my skin.
I recently decided to take some steps toward preventative aging with a visit to the experts at GLO Antiaging Treatment Bar in Calgary. They have an amazing team of specialists, including Branda, who I met with for my initial consultation. After assessing my skin, she put together a custom treatment and product plan for me. Their philosophy is not one size fits all, they really focus on creating a custom routine for your lifestyle and skin type to help maintain optimal skin health, prevent future damage, reverse the signs of aging.

I started out with their Spectra Carbon Laser Peel, AKA, the Hollywood Facial! Branda told me it’s often used by celebs to prep their skin ahead of events. I can see why: my skin was radiant after this treatment. Branda explained the treatment to me as a carbon assisted rejuvenation process that blasts off up to 20 microns of dead skin (that’s a lot!) which left my skin GLOing! Exfoliation is essential to skin health, especially this time of year and also year round in dry climates like Calgary. It also builds collagen and is highly effective for treating enlarged pores, inflamed acne, sun damage, fine lines, skin tone and elasticity, and reducing dull skin for a more radiant complexion and overall rejuvenation.

I also left with some key antiaging pharmaceutical grade skincare products that Branda recommended to me as essential ingredients for anyone over 30: retinol for collagen production (Skintx Retinol SR Complex), Vitamin C (Skinceuticals Phloretin CF) to help with fine lines, uneven tone and protect from free radicals, and sunscreen - this is a big one - I’m trying the ZO Sunscreen primer. Even in the non-summer months in Calgary, exposure to the sun is a huge culprit of aging.

Next up, I’ll be trying microneedling at GLO! I’ve seen and heard a lot about this treatment, so I’m really looking forward to it. The ladies at GLO let me know it’s a game-changer for stimulating collagen production, something that decreases as well age. I loved my Hollywood Facial at GLO so much, that I’m giving one away! Check out my Instagram to enter!
xo kodette