Spring Cleaning
I love a good spring tidy up - around the house and for myself. As soon as April hits, I’m ready to freshen myself up. If you know me,...

Travelling As a Family
We love holidays around our house! We just returned from an awesome Easter long weekend in Scottsdale. The boys love it there. We lived...

What's Changed in My 30's
Inside and out, I feel like a lot has changed for me since entering my 30s and becoming a mom. Of course, I could do without some of the...

Autism Bracelet
Every year Stella and Dot offers a cute bracelet to support Autism Awareness. I always offer the links and this year is no different! I...

Spin With Me in April in Support of Janus Academy
photo: modern nest photography April is Autism Awareness Month. Between volunteering and fundraising, I do my best to contribute to...

Why I Got Into Real Estate
I don't like people to do things for me. Even when I do charity events, the less cooks in the kitchen, the better. With a few of our own...

Making Time for Fitness: How I Do It
I’ve always been someone who needs exercise. It’s about so much more than just looking good for me: it’s absolutely essential for me in...

A Day in the Life
I often get asked how I manage to juggle my days. Between family life, work time, me time, fitness, charity work and trying to squeeze in...

You've Got It Made
With our life going through a major transitionary period I needed something for me. It’s been a busy household lately, specifically with...

A Special Time For Halloween
I'm proud to be taking part in this amazing event at South Centre Mall this year. Most of the time Ryder is ok with Halloween, but we...